
"Time series processing of InSAR data; Theory and applications based on free-and-open data and free tools"

Time series analysis of interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data has emerged as an important geodetic tool for monitoring and measuring the displacement of the Earth’s surface. In this short course, we focus on InSAR time series processing and how the results can be analyzed. The aim is to demonstrate that InSAR measurements can indeed allow a displacement time series in both horizontal and vertical directions (with submillimetre accuracy), provided that the data are precisely processed and the impact of the undesired components including DEM errors, orbital effects, atmospheric components and unwrapping errors is minimized. This workshop is targeted at researchers who would like to use these processed products effectively. Topics to be covered include background theory and processing methodology, automatic downloading of Sentinel-1 data, producing interferograms of all the available small baseline pairs, applying refinement process to reduce the common errors sources, time series analysis, and data interpretation.


Workshop date: 16th Oct. 2019   13:00-17:00



Presenter Information


Dr.-Ing. Sanaz Vajedian

Dr.-Ing Sanaz Vajedian received her Ph.D. in remote sensing at the University of Tehran. She has been Postdoctoral researcher and lecturer in Institute of Photogrammetry and Geoformation (IPI) at the Leibniz University Hannover since October 2017. Her current research interests include time-series InSAR development, noise removal in SAR interferometry, modeling the volcanic and tectonic processes that caused ground deformation.