Keynote and Invited Speakers


"Six decades remotely sensed assessment of Iranian forests:

From Visual interpretation to Smart Object Recognition"

Dr. Seyed Rashid Fallah Shamsi

Shiraz University, Iran



For 6 decades since 1960's, a vast variety of remotely-sensed data and techniques have been used, both in scientific research and applications for mapping, surveying, measuring and monitoring of forests and rangelands. This long journey has been started using analog Black-white aerial photos, continued to multispectral-hyperspectral satellite imageries, imaging Radars and nowadays very high resolution custom designed unmanned aerial vehicles. Newly developed image processing techniques based on powerful processors, supported by huge archives of image data set have provided us a technical move from operator-centered techniques toward digitalism via delineation, classification, detection and nowadays to recognition achievements. In this context, first we will review key milestones of applied remote sensing in forest and rangeland management. Then we will discuss new horizons of current trending techniques, i.e. smartness in remote sensing, based on Image archives and big data bases.