Assessment of Low-cost Particulate Matter Sensors
Paper ID : 1411-SMPR
Katrin Lehmann, Marda Khoiria Fajari, Anil Minhans, Michael Hahn *
Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences
In many German cities, a community of air quality monitors which rely on low-cost PM Sensors is gathering momentum. Such communities possess privately-owned & low-cost air quality monitoring devices that claim to accurately measure PM concentrations and are openly accessible via internet. One such initiative is an air quality monitoring network viz. “”, which currently employs more than 300 low-cost sensors that consistently collect PM data, colloquially referred as fine dust, in the city of Stuttgart as well as its surrounding districts. Besides, eight stations are continuously monitoring PM concentration in Stuttgart; these are operated by the State Environmental Agency. Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences (HFT) has currently installed 7 low-cost PM sensors to monitor and study PM concentration in one of its projects.
This study endeavours to relate PM 2.5 and PM 10.0 using low-cost sensors. It intends to investigate the reliability of using such low-costs sensors once these are placed horizontally and vertically apart. Another objective is to compare the PM concentration measurements with meteorological station operated by the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg in the vicinity. The correlation analysis is performed to develop understanding of relationships of PM concentration with meteorological parameters, viz. ambient temperature, air pressure, humidity, wind speed and wind direction. Furthermore, it attempts to develop a regression model using above listed meteorological parameters. Finally, deficiencies in the measurement of low-costs and its placement effects are commented. Further suggestions are made for improving the data capturing and analytical procedures while using low-cost sensors.
Particulate Matter, Low-cost Sensors, PM2.5, PM 10.0, Meteorological Parameters, Air Quality, Landesanstalt für Umwelt Baden-Württemberg
Status : Conditional Accept (Oral Presentation)